Embracing Sustainability



Embracing Sustainability


Plastics have become an integral part of our daily lives. It is hard for many of us to accept that we can live without the ease & convenience of using plastic. From Kitchens to toys, factories to offices, plastic has become like an addiction to us, despite knowing its impact on nature and our health. Embracing a mindset of reducing, reusing, and recycling plastic can have a significant impact on creating a more sustainable future.

A conscious effort to reduce single-use plastic consumption:  Making small mindful choices/habits to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics can be a great start like carrying your reusable shopping bag or buying products with minimum plastic or eco-friendly packaging.

Reuse to reduce: Reusing Plastic seems to be the most simple, easy yet effective way to reduce the amount of plastic production. Invest in good-quality, reusable kitchen storage bottles, water bottles, etc. This practice saves money and saves our environment from unnecessary waste.

Responsible Recycling: Recycling might not be the perfect solution on this list, but proper recycling contributes to the overall reduction of plastic in landfills and oceans. Separate recyclables from other waste, and support initiatives that promote responsible recycling practices.

Although going plastic-free could seem like a difficult task, it's important to understand that every little effort adds up to a positive outcome. Reducing, reusing, and recycling plastic can be a major part of building a more sustainable future.

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YUGO is founded with the quest to draw attention to the issue of rising carbon footprint and to emphasize the significance of substituting everyday household items with environmentally friendly, non-toxic, chemical-free, biodegradable alternatives.

Our main priorities include reducing waste and adhering to the 5 R's of sustainability. We believe that while going fully waste-free is difficult to attain in the actual world but trying to do so is definitely doable.

We support mompreneurs and local artisans by providing a platform for their talent.

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